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Spring Lacrosse Registration
The Season is Here...
Late Registrations are Accepted 
About the spring season:
 The Hills and Valley Spring Lacrosse season is open to boys from Boonton and Lincoln Park
currently in grades 2 - 8.  No experience is necessary.  Practices begin March 8 and run to early June. Grades 5-8 meet three to five times per week, grades 2-4 will typically meet 2-3 days per week.  This includes practices and games.  All coaches are US Lacrosse and NJJLL certified, with 1 head coach and 2 assistant coaches per team.
Registration is now a 2 step process.  
1) Begin or renew your USLacrosse membership. (cost $30.00)
    Visit the website to do this. 
2) Register for Boonton Hills and Valley Spring Lacrosse. (cost $125 
    grades 5-8, $100 grades 2-4)
    Use the SportsEngine registration link at the bottom of this page.
PRIOR to REGISTERING: Please note that is important that you visit the website and log in to renew your US Lacrosse membership PRIOR to registering for Boonton Hills and Valley Spring Lacrosse.   This is a slightly new procedure, but it is now required for full insurance coverage through the end of the season.  Using the "Parents" tab you can "Renew Membership".  If you are new to the sport or have never set up your own US Lacrosse membership, you can activate an account by selecting "Join US Lacrosse".   (If you have difficulty reregistering at USLacrosse, try clearing out any previously saved 'cookies' for that website.) .  Once you do this, your US Lacrosse membership is valid for one full year.
While opening or renewing your US Lacrosse membership, be sure that you have added Boonton Hills and Valley Lacrosse as your sons primary club/program (see example below)
When you are finished checking out at US Lacrosse, make note of the USL Player Participation dates.  You will need them in order to register for Hills and Valley Spring season.   (see example below)
Once you have updated your US Lacrosse membership for the entire 2019 season you can navigate to the SportsEngine site and register for the Hills and Valley Spring Lacrosse Season using the link below.
primary program image.png
participation dates.png
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