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Kitatinny-  Veterans Memorial Field


932 Pond Brook Rd, Newton 


Directions to Stillwater Veterans Memorial Field (Kittatinny Youth LAX)

From South:  Rt 80 East or West to Rt 15 North.  Rt 15 north approximately 10 miles to Route 94.  Make a left (south) on Rt94 and follow directions below.


Alternate from South: Rt 80 East or West to Rt 206 North.  Proceed approximately 10 miles into Newton town center (Small center Park/Square on left).  Go ¾ ways around town Square, exiting right on Rt 94 South.  Follow directions below.


From East:  Locate and follow Rt 94South into center of Newton, Square/Park on left.  Exit first right on Rt 94 South.  Follow directions below.


From West via Rt 94 North:  Make a left at light (Fredon Elementary School is on your right) onto County Rt 610 West.  Follow directions below;


From North:  Follow Rt 206 south into the center of Newton.  Square will be on your left.  Exit first right on Rt 94 South.  Follow directions below.


Route 94 South past Newton Memorial Hospital to Fredon Elementary School on left and Lodestar Park on your right (approx. 4-5 miles).  Turn right at the light onto County Route 610 West.  Go about 2 miles to a "Y" in the road, stay right onto County Route 619 North.  Follow 619 about a half-mile and turn left onto 612 West/Pond Brook Road (there's a white picket fence on the corner).  Veteran’s Memorial Park and parking lot will be on the left by the flagpole.  Follow the path across bridge to the field.  Lacrosse field is beyond baseball fields.


Address for GPS:    932 Pond Brook Road

                                   Newton, NJ 07860

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