Frequently Asked Questions
When does the Spring Season start? ...end?
Practices start on Friday March 8. Games run from April through May. We will have some tournament
opportunities in early June.
Where are practices held and what is the expected time commitment?
Practices are held on the Boonton High School turf and on the Fireman's field adjacent to the Fireman's Home. Practices and games are approximately 1 1/2 hours long. We will meet 3-4 times per week
for practices during March, and 4-5 times per week for practices and games in April and May.
How are the teams organized? What grades can participate?
We have three teams.
Each team consists of 2 grades as follows: 3/4, 5/6, and 7/8.
Boys in grade 2 may be permitted to attend practices with team 3/4 depending upon maturity level.
What type of equipment will my son need?
Each player will require a helmet, shoulder pads, elbow pads, gloves, cup, kleats, mouthguard, and a Crosse (lacrosse stick). Package deals for beginners can usually be had on sale for approximately $200.
It is important to note that novice/beginner players need not purchase the most expensive gear. Limited quantities of gently used equipment are available for loan. Just ask!
Game Uniforms?
We are ordering new uniforms for the 2019 season! Players will purchase the uniforms for a reduced rate thank to our successful can-shake fundraisers last year. If you choose to not keep your uniform you will be refunded at the seasons end upon return.
Practice Uniforms?
For practice all players must wear a reversible red/white pinnie and black, white, grey, or red shorts. New reversible red/white pinnies are available for $15. Players may also use the red and white pinnie from a previous lacrosse season. T shirts worn under pads must be red, black, white, or grey.
If you have an older used pinnie that no longer fits and would like to 'trade up' to a newer/bigger size pinnie, you can return last years pinnie for a $5 discount towards a new one.
Black "Boonton Lacrosse" shorts will be available for a nominal fee as well. If you purchase a pinnie and do not wish to keep it at the end of the season you can return it for a $5.00 refund.
Are there any opportunities for younger players?
Players currently in grades 3-8 may register, practice and compete in league games. Some 2nd grade boys who are athletically mature may register with the 3/4 team.
Children in grades K-1 (and less mature children in grade 2) are encouraged to take advantage of the many Free Cinics that we offer throughout the year.
Please forward any other questions regarding the Spring Lacrosse season to Greg Hudak at
Forward questions related to Free winter Clinics to