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Winter Novice Clinic @ SSS is closed!
Thanks for a fun time Laxin @ School Street School.
Registration is open for the Spring Season!
What is the Free Winter Clinic?
The Free Clinic is geared towards boys is grades 1 - 5 who have never played lacrosse and would like to give it a try.
No equipment is necessary. If you have your own stick or protective equipment feel free to bring it and we will assess and assist you in using it. If not, we will gladly provide a loaner.
The emphasis of the free clinic is to introduce boys to the fundamentals of lacrosse and give them a glimpse at what a great sport Lacrosse is.
Where and When?
The clinic is held in the School Street School gymnasium from 6:30 - 7:15 from January 25 through February. There is no fee paid to our program. However, for insurance purposes you must register as a member of US Lacrosse. The USLacrosse membership is good for a year and will cover your son should he decide to continue playing in the spring, summer, or fall. US Lacrosse annual membership is $30.00 . You can register for a US Lacrosse membership at
How to register?
The Friday Free Winter Clinic is over.
Register for the Spring Season today!
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